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Skinny Water and Weight Loss

Skinny water and weight loss looks like yet another celebrity driven fad that seems set to bring in the big bucks – so what is it?

Well, the diet industry and their million dollar advertising campaigns would have you believe that ‘super’ water is the next generation of miracle products that will help you shed pounds with very little effort at all!

So called super water will, it’s claimed not only make you thinner, but will boost your intelligence and make you look younger into the bargain.

Truly amazing – I mean the companies and their advertising claims, not the products themselves!

Brace yourself for a whole host of these “aquaceuticals” due to hit a store near you soon. In other words bottled waters each claiming a range of health benefits.

But are they the real deal, or will you be pouring your hard earned cash down the drain?

Skinny Water and Weight Loss – Celebrity Hype…?

They all appear to be at it, the celebrity A-listers chugging down their preferred brands of super water.

Jennifer Aniston drinks Smart Water, Cameron Diaz sips Penta H2O and Tesco in the UK has just started selling Skinny Water for 99p.

So what are they?

Well, we currently spend millions every day on bottled water and bottled super water is already worth over $400m in the US.

Essentially, they’re water with a few added ingredients.

They all contain L-carnitine, an amino acid perennially linked to weight loss, as well as a range of minerals that variously include potassium, magnesium, sodium and chromium.

Skinny Water also contains pomegranate flavouring, no doubt to link it with ‘superfood’ pomegranate’s healthy kudos and connotations.

And what do they do?

Well, just check the manufacturers’ hype, such as “ultra-purified, restructured, oxygenated functional water” – eh?

Or “reduce sugar cravings and improve the body’s ability to burn fat”.

But do they work?

Skinny Water and Weight Loss – Where’s the Evidence…?

Good question. There is some evidence for linking water and weight loss, but that’s any common or garden water straight from the tap, not just expensive bottled waters.

The evidence linking the other added ingredients to weight loss is somewhat sketchy, though – take chromium as an example.

There are certainly benefits to ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium, calcium and potassium, but they’re needed in such minute quantities that drinking several glasses of tap water – certainly in hard water areas – will meet your daily requirements.

The electrolytes in these super waters will potentially rehydrate you marginally faster than regular water, but not so you would notice.

And how about the anti-ageing claims? Well any water will hydrate you and properly hydrated skin tends to look healthier and younger than dry skin.

Skinny Water and Weight Loss – The Bottom Line…

Drinking water is a good thing – around eight glasses a day – make no mistake about that!

Drinking these waters to lose weight, increase your brain power and to look younger, though is probably more marketing spin than a genuine possibility.

Drink them by all means – if you can afford to do so – as they’re a better choice than sugary or diet fizzy drinks.

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