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Weight Loss Smoothie – Lose Weight Fast

Is there a weight loss smoothie that you can drink for breakfast that will simply melt away the fat?

According to UK detox expert, Jem Friar there is!

I was glancing through a copy of Grazia magazine the other day and came across an article on extreme ways to lose weight.

Now drinking a shake is hardly as extreme as a boot camp where you don’t sleep for 24 hours, or a 243 km run across the Sahara desert! But I was intrigued all the same.

I’m a big fan of shakes and smoothies. Particularly for the breakfast as I rarely feel like I have much time. Though regular food first thing comes in my mind in the morning. But when I have time, I prefer both. A smoothie with light regular food.

So what makes this weight loss smoothie so special…?

Weight Loss Smoothie – What is it…?

A weight loss smoothie is a thick drink which is made up of some fruits that work better to increase metabolism or to burn fat, added ingredients that help in burning fat and sometimes some vegetables. Actually in short, it can said that it is a healthy smoothie that helps in weight loss. Another main advantage of this kind of smoothie is, it helps in detoxing your body and keep yourself healthy. If you don’t like the hard one for weight loss then you can just try the lighter one. Just for healthy purpose. It will definitely help you to be fit and healthy.


Smoothies for losing weight help in different activities of the body. Well, the claims made for this weight loss smoothie are that it:

What Ingredients a Weight Loss Smoothie Contain?

You are excited to see the benefits of this smoothie, right? The answer is yes, I can hear from here! 😛
Sounds great! But you are tensed about it.  Arising questions on mind that what miracle ingredients does this weight loss smoothie contain to do all that? Well there is nothing to be worried. Here are the ingredients that a smoothie contain to burn your fat:

Now blend them with a blender and have the best fat burning drink.

Hmm, can’t say it’s the most appetizing smoothie recipe I’ve ever come across!

You’re supposed to drink the shake for breakfast and combine it with a healthy diet full of fruit and veg.

You should also cut down on meat, alcohol, wheat and dairy and cut out refined sugar and processed foods.

Add in a minimum of 20 minutes a day of aerobic exercise and you’re supposed to be able to lose up to 3lbs a week!

Weight Loss Smoothie – How Does it Work?

First off, the smoothie is low in calories at well under 200 cals, which will help you to cut calories. Certainly if you normally start the day with bacon and eggs or hot buttered toast!

As far as the ingredients are concerned…well, they’re some of the usual suspects found in many weight loss supplements.

Soya contains lecithin, as do flax seeds and brewer’s yeast.

Lecithin is touted as a fat burner given its fat emulsifying properties, but there’s no evidence to suggest that it will lead to any significant weight loss. But it is not harmful as well.

What is the purpose of Seeds and Fruits on this Weight Loss Smoothie?

Do you have confusion about the seeds and fruits purpose? Don’t worry! They are carefully added to this smoothie and works perfect.

As well as containing lecithin, flax seeds are the richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids, and there’s some good emerging evidence of a link between Omega 3 and weight loss.

Similar claims are made for papaya as are made for grapefruit, but again there’s little if any compelling evidence that papaya – or grapefruit – have miracle weight loss properties.

Psyllium husks contain fiber, which aids the transport of food through the intestinal tract.

I presume it’s included in the weight loss smoothie as an appetite suppressant – to help fill you up and reduce hunger pangs.

Whilst it may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of colon cancer, there’s little hard evidence that eating it will lead to any significant weight loss.

Fiber is a healthy addition to your diet though.

Isn’t Spirulina an Algae?

Yes, you are right! Spirulina is an algae. But it could make a valuable contribution to your diet. Because it’s rich in essential nutrients.

It’s also promoted as an appetite suppressant, but again there’s little evidence to support the weight loss claims made for spirulina or supplements containing spirulina.

Will This Smoothie Work? Will it be Drinkable?

I think you got the answer already! All in all, there’s nothing wrong with this smoothie – except the taste maybe! You might have difficulty a bit in drinking this smoothie. But I think for the betterment of your body, you can tolerate this stringy taste.

It’s healthy and nutritious, but drunk on its own it’s not going to work miracles.

The healthy diet and exercises along with this smoothie just might though!

Weight Loss Smoothie – The Bottom Line…

This weight loss smoothie recipe won’t melt away your body fat. But it will if you eat it along with balanced diet and regular exercises. Drink it as recommended and it’s a healthy addition to a sensible weight loss program.

However, it tastes awful!

Drinking smoothies and shakes can be an easy way to get a couple of portions of fresh fruit a day. They’re also quick and convenient.

The perfect snack specially for busy people on the go!

Check out our smoothie and shake recipes for some infinitely more tasty and equally healthy alternatives!

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