Our Living With Diabetes Diet Plan review takes a look at a program that can enable people with Type II diabetes to control their blood sugar and lose weight.
Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions across the developed world.
Over 18 million people in the US, around 6% of the population have diabetes and Type II is the most common form of the disease.
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce insulin, as in Type I diabetes, or produces too little insulin as in Type II. 90-95% of diabetics have Type II diabetes.
Insulin is the hormone that converts sugars, starches and other foods to energy or sends them off to be stored as fat.
Obesity and a lack of exercise are both thought to be major causes of Type II diabetes.
More and more people are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes and the age at which the condition is being acquired is dropping.
It used to be a problem for older people. Now people in their 20’s and 30’s are being diagnosed, even children as young as 10.
Type II diabetes, or more properly Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Melitus, can be managed through diet and other lifestyle modifications.
This Living With Diabetes Diet Plan review examines one such diet.
Living With Diabetes Diet Plan
Diabetes is a chronic condition with serious consequences if not properly managed.
Heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, gangrene and a range of circulatory diseases are all complications of diabetes.
But diabetes can be managed with proper care and medical supervision. Losing weight and controlling blood sugar levels are both effective long term strategies that will help.
The Living With Diabetes Diet Plan is one of eDiets’ Healthy Living Plans.
Whilst there are numerous diets available to help diabetics to lose weight and manage their condition, we’ve found the eDiets plans to be scientifically sound, evidence based and well researched.
As such, we regularly recommend them to our clients who’ve used the diets with considerable success.
You can read our eDiets review here.
Basically, the diet aims to help you lose at least 5-10% of your body weight, maintain an acceptable weight and to control blood sugar and lipids (cholesterol and tryglycerides).
This is essential for the effective management of Type II diabetes.
The diet follows the medical recommendations for managing Type II diabetes, which are:
As with all healthy eating guidelines, they can be a challenge to remember, interpret and implement.
The good thing about a diet like this is that it does that for you – just get your online personal profile, download the meal plans, recipes and shopping lists and follow the plan.
Simple and it costs just a couple of bucks a month!
We had a client with Type II diabetes who really struggled to maintain her blood sugar levels on a day to day basis. She was a single working mum with kids and was busy.
She found this diet easy to follow and convenient and as a result stabilised her blood sugar and lost over 15lbs in a little under two months.
Living With Diabetes Diet Plan Review – Does it Work…?
Sure, if you stick with it, which shouldn’t be too difficult!
You’ll be eating a calorie controlled diet so you’ll lose weight – 1-2lbs a week is recommended.
The meal plans are designed to control your blood sugar and lipid levels. They’re spaced out in small meals over the day so as to avoid spikes and drops in blood sugar, which may lead to snacking and overeating.
Our Living With Diabetes Diet Plan review found the menus full of tasty meals with affordable and readily available ingredients.
The recipes are easy to prepare and pass the family friendly test – no more cooking separate meals just because you’ve got diabetes or are on a diet!
We also like the fact that there are no expensive ‘diabetic’ foods in the meal plans – what a rip off they are! – just normal, nutritious everyday ingredients.
Living With Diabetes Diet Plan Review – The Bottom Line…
If you have Type II diabetes, or are at risk of developing it then losing weight is probably the single most important thing that you can do for your health and well being.
If you’re looking for a formal but flexible diet plan that’s tailored to the needs of diabetics generally, but is personalised for you, your likes and dislikes, then this plan is certainly worth checking out.
We also like the fact that the diet forms the basis for learning the healthy eating and lifestyle habits necessary for the long term management of this chronic condition.
There are no fads and gimmicks, just an evidence based, medically sound approach that from experience we would suggest will deliver the results that you’re looking for.
Our Living With Diabetes Diet Plan review verdict? Diabetes is too serious to mess about with, this plan delivers!