Using an online personal trainer could be just what you need to build an effective exercise program into your busy routine.
Without a doubt, exercise is a key component of any weight loss program.
Both to burn fat through aerobic exercise and to build muscle so as to increase you metabolic rate through resistance training.
We’ve already looked at why exercise is important for increasing your metabolism. So how do you build some exercise into your daily routine and what’s the most time effective way to do it?
Why Use an Online Personal Trainer…?
For most people, whatever their good intentions, their burst of enthusiasm for exercise quickly diminishes with the first ache and pain the day after that trip to the gym, the first spot of rain or dark cold morning before a jog, the first sight of perfect, lycra clad bottoms at an aerobics class…
Exercise can be a daunting prospect if you’ve not done much of it before.
Now, you can work out your own exercise program, but what do you do? What are the best exercises for weight loss? How much should you do? What’s the best routine to achieve the results you’re looking for…?
You could join a gym and let them work out a routine for you.
But what if you don’t want to go to a gym, don’t have time, can’t afford the membership…?
The other problem with gyms is the staff. The standard of training they receive, particularly given the relatively low wage rates and high staff turnover is varied and is sometimes poor.
In our experience, you tend to get a one size fits all program and then after a couple of visits are left alone to get on with it.
You could always buy a book or an exercise course over the internet.
But again, how personalised to you, your likes, dislikes and schedule will it be?
The main reason behind successful exercise for weight loss is:
Now, you could hire a personal trainer, but good ones can be expensive.
We’ve a friend who’s a personal trainer, who’s very good and in demand, but most of her clients are wealthy, stay at home mums with the time and money to pay for her services.
Well worth the time and money, but what if you have little of either?
This for us is when one of the best developments in internet services as far as exercise for weight loss is concerned comes in, the advent of the online personal trainer.
Now, you’re not going to get someone standing next to you on the treadmill at the gym, or standing over you in your living room as you grind out a few more crunches.
But what you will get is a plan built around you, your lifestyle and your goals.
If you don’t have the time to spend hours a day honing and toning your body, an online personal trainer could be just what you’re looking for.
If you want a plan to use at the gym? No problem.
Don’t want to go to the gym, but want a plan for a home workout? No problem.
Haven’t got any weights or fancy exercise equipment to use? No problem.
Any good online personal trainer will work around you and your circumstances and develop a program specifically for you.
And usually, all for a very modest outlay on your behalf!
Where do You Find a Good Online Personal Trainer…?
Do a quick search on the internet and you’ll find loads.
Which ones are the best? In all honesty, we couldn’t answer that, there are just so many to choose from that it can feel a bit like pot luck.
We’re sure that there will be several that are very good and will give you an excellent, cost effective program with first rate, ongoing support that will work.
However, one of the best that we’ve come across is the service provided by eDiets, probably the number one name in online weight loss. You can read our eDiets review here.
We couldn’t guarantee that this is the best option out there, but it’s certainly well worth a try.
What we really like is the way that you get a complete package:
We have to say, the whole package is very impressive and for such a giant in this field, very individual.
So is Investing in an Online Personal Trainer Worth it…?
Let’s be frank, if you don’t exercise you are less likely to lose the weight and are unlikely to keep it off in the long term.
Exercise or some other form of less formal physical activity is crucial to your long term success.
In our experience, regular ongoing support and motivation is important for most people in developing a personalised program that will deliver the results they’re looking for.
For us, an online personal trainer is the most cost effective and time efficient way for most people to get that support.
Using an online personal trainer means that you can get that one to one attention whenever you need it.
The result – you’re much more likely to maintain those good intentions, stick with your program and be successful in the long term.
There are plenty of online personal trainers to choose from, but our advice for what it’s worth?
Give eDiets a try, as Oprah’s trainer comes to you – Bob Greene’s Total Body Makeover …you’re unlikely to be disappointed!